Just a few of the women who are portrayed in this show:

  • A Massachusetts housewife who led an all female militia in search of British spies.
  • A German Baroness who followed her Hessian General husband into the British camps
  • A Georgian farmer's wife who took on a search party of Red Coats, all by herself!
  • And OTHERS!


March, Women's History Month
Mother's Day
Women's Groups
Historical Societies
Senior Centers
Community Centers
Retirement Communities
Cultural Centers
Anyone interested in the American Revolution & Founding of the USA
And More!


Women of '76 (c) 2019, All rights reserved. This play may not be performed or reproduced in part or in whole.

"I was spell-bound by the passion that you put into your performance to bring these women to life for us.  When I spoke of your show to my friends, they asked "what new information did you learn?"   My answer was "everything".  Thank your for an entertaining, educational and totally fun time. "

- Steffi Small , audience member